Aging Pipe Tobacco

I fully agree that cigarettes might effect some peoples health…… but have been smoking cigars and pipes for over 40 years, as my father did and no ill effects….. So all the health issues on anything a human does should be kept for other articles for people who may think it might effect them…….. It is a mild, quality tobacco with no bite and a pleasing aroma.

Many pipes are ‘pre-caked’, meaning they have a coat of charcoaling in the bowl. These may be the best briar pipes for beginners; a fine brand such as Comoy’s has just such bowls. To start with, stay away from flavored Latakia mixtures, at least at first.

Pipe Tobacco in Cans

For pipe tobacco, I would recommend Boveda packs of either 49% or 58% RH. Anything higher will likely be too moist vaporizers bongs for pipe tobacco. For moist aromatic tobacco, I would consider the 58% RH packs but 62% RH might be fine, too.

It was still soft and good enough to pack and light up. A Toasted Cavendish discreetly flavored to produce an extremely mild, slow burning, cool smoke. You can smoke this one all day without experiencing any bite.

You might think that because most pipe smokers don’t inhale, the health risks are minimal. While there isn’t a lot of scientific data on the health effects of pipe smoking, we do know that there are risks. White – Rich black Cavendish tobaccos, mellowed Burleys and Golden Virginias. Steamed to seal in the flavor and character of the leaf.

Washington residents, please note that we cannot ship pipe tobacco into your state. I envy you guys who can just smoke a little like that. I keep hoping that if I can get down to a bowl a day some day. But, as for now, just getting quantity down to six bowls a day makes me feel like I have accomplished something. I don’t see why you couldn’t keep it in the tin for at least a few months, especially if you use the foil method mentioned above.